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Serving Together


We live as a people called by our Lord to be light and salt to a world desperately in need of God.  We believe a large part of that call is showing our love for our neighbors in tangible ways that make a difference.  

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Children's Ministry

Sunday mornings, after school, Wednesday nights, weekends...the children need us to be involved in their lives.  There are no apps that can replace your presence.

After School Tutoring

We couldn't just ignore the children in the underperforming school across the street.   To us they are not "those children."  Created in the image of  God and dearly beloved they are our children and we do what we can to help them grow up to be the men and women God intends them to be.

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Summer Camp

Our neighborhood children don't have access to private camps or expensive enrichment activities during summer to keep them busy and off the streets.  At the end of June we provide a camp for three weeks, all day, completely free. All our counselors are camp graduates from previous years who now get to mentor the younger campers.

Women's Ministry

Simply said, nothing of consequence would happen at Carrollton without God and the women of our congregation.  

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."


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©2020 by Carrollton Avenue Church of Christ

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